5 days till Hongkong

HONGKONGNot even one week left and I'll be in Hongkong - by my…

Corona Bikini

There it is.My Corona Bikini, which I actually miss buying in…
Juhu Darling ;)


I am still sick...

Beautiful Beaches

Summer ends... winter comes!And i am already fed up with this…
Wusstest du schon...Als 2000 Heinz den "grünen" Ketchup herausbrachte,…

Hongkong, halô?!

Soooo! Now its for sure!Mila is going to Hongkong and whats more!…

Bloody tired…

Okay I feel like writing in English for the reason I just haven't…

Da sitz ich mit meinem Buch….

Da sitz ich im Büro, alleine, .. es dämmert schon langsam.…

Death Valley, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon

Hi there, Eventually a Hotel with Internet again...We are still…