Partying, Food, Schoool

My second week in Buenos Aires went well.
I got a new class, and my teacher is very funny… we always talk about pervert things hahahaha….
and fucking Maradonna.

On Wednesday everybody goes to this club : MUSEUM. Its funny to see als boys and girls differntly. Not in this boring school, … no.. a bit tipsy and speaking in spanish with alcohol is so much easier. There were some guys who tried to dance and kiss us… but its not worth telling about this. Chicos de Argentina are just sooo lame…
We got a couple drinks and had fun dancing witth ourselves. The music was surprisingly good.

the rest of the week we hardly havent done anything. Nini was a bit sick and I was just try to keep me fit with doing some exersice in the gym and study hard for the weekly test.

We think we dont eat very healty here. Usually we had italian food, some kind of a meat or salad. Sometimes we find a buffet which serve also other stuff like sushi. The very common food here is Empanada. Its very yammie but… after we had a empanada festival we can hardly see them anymore..haha

What else?
Of course I miss my Prince, which is unfortunately back home.
But already looking forward for to see, hug and kiss him when I got back.


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