100. Entry
Hello and welcome on my blog… This is the 100 entry.furthermore this
is the first blog written with my iphone
Okay let me write something about our weekend. On friday we were
watching IRONMAN! Honestly it was not too bad really…
Saturday we went to the swimming. A lot blerta girls were there. Hahha
anyway… The weather was really nice but the water was too cold to
In the evening we went to ivo s birthday partY which was quite funny.
A lot of people which i havent seen for a long time. It was cool until
the last whisky… Haha no more details.
On sunday i went inline skating. I was soooo exhausted but i felt good
afterwards. On the evening we went to aarau to watch jehmsei s work at
mc. Donalds.
And now it is monday and i am supposed to be studYing…
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
hi, Mila
iphone must be the future.
Are you happy with it?
Dear Mila,
I dedicated my entry of today to your kind encouragement some time ago.
Thank you, really.
Naoto Matsumoto
my honor